The Blue Hills-U project is located in Southwest Newfoundland by the Town of Burgeo. The property is consisted of two Uranium Showings the Main Showing & Showing #4, drilled in 2007. Numerous uranium prospects in outcrop and boulders occur that are locally high grade, containing up to 2.06 % U3O8 (45.32 pounds per tonne U3O8). The average grade of the world's producing uranium mines is 0.15% U3O8 (Pilgrim, 2007). The Main Showing north-south structures appear to have been important in localizing economic uranium grades and the magnetic break along the boulder train is interpreted as fault (Skopik, 1987).​

The White Bear-U property has 1 prospect (Doucette) and 2 showings (He2 and Uranium #3) occur over 3km trend. The occurrences are associated with uraninite, autunite, uranophane, and brannerite. Several drill holes were conducted in 2007 by Commander Resources. This project is located in Southern Newfoundland 40km NW of the Town of Burgeo.
A positive exploration potential for large tonnage deposits with reasonably consistent grades is exhibited by the stratabound nature of the uranium mineralization on White Bear and Blue Hills properties (Pilgrim, 2007).

This property was also known as The Adlavik Brook South Project located in Labrador. This property is consist of northeast trending zones of uranium-bearing boulders approximately 1,500 to 2000 meters in length. The five grab samples of float rocks collected from the showing has a returned values of 0.112%, 0.212%, 0.275%, 0.346% and 0.733% Uranium. An additional samples were also collected from east and west part of the property with returned values of 0.049% to 1.08% Uranium.